Description of the production site



ull processing  is in the I part of the steel shipbuilding  workshop and its area is 36 x 66 m. Hull processing territory is equipped by modern high-production rate equipment and is serviced by two traveling cranes, lifting capacity of each crane is 10 t.

Hull processing includes the following sectors:

  • a section for cleaning and priming sheet metal;
  • section of cleaning and priming of profile rolled products;
  • heat-cutting section for sheet metal;
  • a section for bending sheet metal;
  • bending section of profile rolled products.

Maximum size of processed sheet metal - 10000 х 2400 х 32 mm.

Maximum height of profile rolled products – 500 mm, pipes' diameter up to 1400 mm.

Storage of rolled steel sheets is provided for at the open storehouse, serviced by a gantry crane with 20 t lifting capacity. The area of the storehouse is about 800 m2.

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 Assembly and welding  at the II part of the steel shipbuilding  workshop is arranged on the area of 36 х 66 m. Assembly and welding production site provides for production of sections and blocks with overall sizes, constituting 29000 х 32000 mm and is serviced by two traveling cranes with 20 t lifting capacity each.

Transporting of fabricated sections or blocks from the workshop to the slipways is provided for by means of a pneumatically driven modular transport system.

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Slipways production site is arranged near the steel shipbuilding workshop, reinforced concrete structures workshop and concrete production unit.  Slipways production site includes a dry dock, the size of the basin in plan is 145 х 30 m, providing for launching of vessels with a draft up to 3,6 m. Simulteneous construction of two floating units can be carried out in the dry dock. 

Each construction site is supposed to be equipped by a gantry crane 50 t lifting capacity with a span area of 35 m.



Concrete production unit includes a modular all year round concrete production plant, capacity is 80 m3/h, a warm storehouse of inert materials, capacity is for 5500 m3, and the unloading area on the outfitting wharf, 95х20 m, for loading and temporary storage of inert materials.

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Quality control of concrete and of the delivered materials is carried out at the testing laboratory of CDB "Monolit", having the license № RA.RU.22CA99 of 19.08.2016.



Reinforcement production site, arranged in the workshop of reinforced concrete structures, is equipped by all the necessary equipment, letting to minimize the volume of wastes during the production of the mesh and cages. Maximum diameter of the processed reinforcement bars is 36 mm and the length is 12 m. The production site is supposed to be serviced by a traveling crane with 10 t lifting capacity.

Storage of steel reinforcement is provided for in the warm storehouse, serviced by a traveling crane with 5 t lifting capacity. The area of the storehouse of steel reinforcement is 325 m2.



Reinforced concrete production is provided for in the workshop of reinforced concrete structures on the area of 50 х 24 m. The production site is supposed to be serviced by a half-gantry crane with 50 t lifting capacity. Main products are flat reinforced concrete plates with maximum size in plan, constituting  6 х 8 m. In perspective, production of the plates will be carried out in the cassette unit, providing for manufacture of 6 plates a day. Delivery of concrete to the cassette unit is provided for by means of self-propelled transport tubs and concrete delivery unit. Ready products are supposed to be delivered from the workshop to the slipways by means of a modular pneumatically driven transport system.

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Outfitting wharf is 510 meters long and the depth at the fropnt is 5 meters. It is fitted with a gantry crane 20 t lifting capacity.

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