Quality control management system policy


Our Company proclaims Quality Control Policy of worked out projects and services.
Quality Control Policy is based on fulfillment of the Requirements of the Norms ГОСТ ISO 9001-2011 and ГОСТ РВ 0015-002-2012, of State Nprms and Standards and on the Requirements of the Customer. Quality Control Policy is valid for all works in the Company.
OUR MISSION -is to be the leading (basic) design company in the field of reinforced concrete shipbuilding in Russia and the competitive company in the field of shipbuilding.
WE constantly analyse the needs of our clients and are ready to satisfy them.
WE understand our responsibility to the staff and try to improve their qualification.
WE understand social and moral responsibility to the society for the effective development of our Company.
Quality of the products, quality of labour and quality of work for the benefit of our Customers is the basis of the prosperity of our staff and of each person in the staff.


Quality Control Management Policy of our Company is based on fulfillment of the requirements of the Customer and the Clients and provides for effective control of the changes of the quality of the products and services in accordance with constantly changing needs.
Our main values are professional, friendly and highly professional specialists of the Company, ready to satisfy the needs of the Customer to the maximum volume.  Our specialists are fully involved into the activities, connected with quality control. We are a good team, which constantly improves the qualification and is very attentive to the conditions of work, and has achieved success. These are the main factors of execution the aims of the Company.


We aim at providing for the competitiveness due to improving our qualification and for application of engineering solutions during the projects' workouts and in providing our services. We constantly study the needs of our Customers and aim at satisfying their requirements to the maximum. The Customer (Client) is the key figure and all the staff fulfills its work in accordance with the Customer's requirements.


    Quality Control Policy is provided for by means of:

  • increase of the competitiveness of the products, produced by the documents of the Company, thanks to the decrease of its cost, quality improvement and shortenning the time period of fulfillment the work;
  • effective application of the given financial means;
  • distribution of power and responsibilities;
  • our prior orientation is aimed at the prevention of inconsistencies;
  • we actively study new information;
  • we support highly qualified level of the staff;
  • the directors of the Company are responsible for providing the quality control;
  • we control our documents for correspondence to international and State Standards and Norms;
  • we carry out any work qualitatively and in time;
  • we always control the quality of our products and services;
  • our staff has all the necessary equipment;
  • we recieve knowledge and applicate them.

Directors of the Company:

  • are intolerant to the people, drinking alcohol at work or at home,
  • follow the moral and business norms.

Highly appreciating the importance of tasks in the system of quality, the Directors of the Company shall:

  • pay bonuses to the specialists for personal contribution to the development of the Company and for the support and application of Quality Control Management System.
  • plan and provide resources for achieving the aims in Quality System.
  • constantly improve the application of Quality Control Management System.
  • make the specialists follow Quality Control Policy and put it into life.

            General Director                                                                    Vladimir A. Volkov

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