About company

JSC  «Central Design Bureau «Monolit» was founded in 1956. CDB «Monolit» is the only Company in Russia, the field of activity of which is designing of vessels with reinforced concrete hulls and working out their construction technology.

The core activities of CDB «Monolit» are the following:

  • design and construction of composite and metal floating quays, docks, vessels of technical fleet, including the vessels for the Navy, vessels for recreation;
  • design of reinforced concrete marine structures for shelf development;
  • working out of design and construction technology of reinforced concrete floating structures;
  • carrying out of scientific research and testing works in the field of reinforced concrete shipbuilding and shiprepair in the own certified laboratory.

CDB «Monolit» carries out scientific research works and testing of samples with the aim of improving technological and construction properties  of reinforced concrete as shipbuilding material, carries out monitoring of technical condition of reinforced concrete floating structures, works out repair technologies with application of new materials and modern foreign and home technologies.

More than 150 projects of floating objects have been worked out by our company. More than 2000 reinforced concrete landing stages, about 400 reinforced concrete quays, more than 100 metal floating quays, about 65 composite and metal docks, more than 2300 of other vessels of technical fleet (barges, life- saving stations, fuel stations, floating restaurants, floating bases, floating testing laboratories, floating cranes, floating storage facilities, etc) have been built according to our projects. The number of floating composite and metal docks, designed by CDB "Monolit", was built for foreign countries and the docks are under operation now in such countries, as Angola, Argentina, Vietnam, the UAE, Poland, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Cuba, Malta, etc. Some of the docks are unique and there are no analogical docks in the world. 

Reinforced concrete is used as the main material of hulls for vessels, floating technical means and sea structures, designed and constructed by CDB "Monolit".  Application of reinforced concrete is approved by the following properties:

  • durability, the service life of reinforced concrete structures is 50 years and more;
  • corrosion resistance in sea water;
  • relativily low cost; steel consumption is 2-3 times lower;
  • highly technological; during the application of a sliding framework, standard parts of the structure and modern highly productive equipment, construction of reinforced concrete technical means can be carried out during the shortest time period;
  • low operational cost; reinforced concrete hulls do not require periodical painting as metal structures;
  • higher heat resistance properties of reinforced concrete cases in comparison with the steel ones of the same strength; this property facilitates better protection of inner sides of the hull from great difference in the temperature of the outside air;
  • high fire resistance; reinforced concrete is one of the best fire resistant construction materials.

The most important peculiarity of our projects is that we have the information about the technical condition of vessels under operation and we always improve our engineering decisions. The results of the latest investigations have shown that the vessels, built by our projects more than 40 years ago, at present time are in a good technical condition and can be under operation for a long time.

Application of the world experience and deep knowledge of the advantages of stationary reinforced concrete vessels, and also usage of the newest and the most modern systems of computer design provide us the leading part in the search of optimal decisions, fully correspondent to the requirements of the Customer.

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